You may not have noticed, but for the sake of myself esteem, let me pretend you all have been wondering for weeks where I vanished.
The story is I didn’t vanish. I’ve been here, but the last two weeks have been the regular work and school mixed with a new job opportunity (more on that if it actually happens) and way too much soccer playing.
Here are some pictures from two weeks ago, just a few bruises on the sides of my right knee. I have no idea how they got there:

I’ve been searching for a new team to supplement my other two. Yes, I know I joined the second to supplement the first, but that was not enough because I see even more flaws in my performance. So, I’ve been literally playing the field. Unfortunately every team I have played for has been short a few players, so I don’t just play a few quarters like a normal “looker”, I play the entire game. This last weekend I played everyday, Saturday to Wednesday. My deepest apologies to the Wednesday team, because it only took 5 minutes into the game for me to become exhausted.
The upshot to all this should be better skills and a firmer body, but I’m pretty much doing whatever I can to prevent the latter by oinking out the days I’m not playing. In fact I went to sleep last night with a very upset stomach after devouring my entire fish and chip dinner, then getting ice cream later. But fish is healthy and ice cream has calcium right, so never mind, it’s all good.
Another benefit of the marathon-type playing is that I’ve gotten a taste of my 70’s with the inability to get out of bed in the morning because of aching joints. Figuring this is not normal for a woman of only a few decades, I saw the orthopedist. Besides the torn ligament in my left ankle (which apparently has been torn for 10 years), my joints are fine, just a little too used. But because I am a young, non-professional athlete I still shouldn’t have so many problems, so he recommended physical therapy. To be fair the doctor didn’t really say that when he prescribed PT, but it sure made me feel old.
All of this has inspired me to bring back my phone character, Grandma Applebee, annoying/entertaining the young co-eds of BYU from 98-99 (and I must admit, made a few appearances in Fresno and Seattle). So if I can manage making a legal recording of her, she shall make her appearance on the Torch Carrying Mob.
Still to appear…”Chino Farmers: the Equal Opportunity Cow Slaughterers”