(These are high res photos, click on them if you want a closer view. I know you all want to see my sexy back.)
We were up by 5 so I tried my hand at goal. I gave up one (that photo not shown):
I got it:
Taking a goal kick with really bad form and not sure what's going on with my thigh:
Was bored in goal, had to get back out on the field:
I'm having soccer withdrawals already, better go eat some chocolate to make myself feel better.
Yay! Some pictures of you playing soccer! Awesome! Love 'em, you are so buff!
I also loved seeing some of the scenery in the background. Made me a *little* homesick. Just for a second. I'm over it now!
I know what you can do in your spare time now...work out those fingers and get a bloggin'!
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Yeah, I'm a blogging loser. I think you are the only one that visits anymore. I'll fix that though, I'll make a resolution to blog more!
yes, start updating everybody, you got hurt and lost!
Who is this??? I did not get hurt and lost, minus the broken rib, but we still didn't lose. We won our division, and I got hurt afterwards. GRRRRR!
don't you know who is the mysteryous anonymous poster? you haven't been lost to everybody for a while?
update people more frequently!!!
Do you have teammates?
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