Unfortunately, I'm a little short on time, but since TCM is keeping on the skinny side anyway a short review is okay.
I only found one new concoction, and maybe it wasn't new, but I only saw it this year and that is Candy Corn Kisses. It looks nice as you can see from the picture below, but taste...yuck! It's as if Hershey's idea was to add sugar to vomit and make it look like a cute little Kiss. Okay, I am exaggerating a little about the taste, but it did not, in any way, taste like candy corn or a standard Kiss. Don't be fooled by the pretty packaging and chemicals they added to make the "stuff" look like candy corn, 'cuz candy corn it ain't.

Now to balance out the negative review, if you like candy corn it's good mixed with peanuts.
Thanks for the warning. You always are going above and beyond...
I have been looking for this post for quite sometime, although I didn't expect to find it AFTER Halloween. It's all good though.
Your findings on the Candy Corn Kisses have confirmed our thoughts on it as well...NASTY. We love Candy Corn in this house as well as our Hershey chocolate but together?!!?
We still have some candy corn so I'll try that mixed with some peanuts. Sounds interesting.
Did you try the candy apple candy corns? We have a bag but haven't tried it yet. Not sure I'll like it, but Christopher might. He bought the bag after all.
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