In my attempt to be cool or funny or something I had Will take a picture of me in my Angels gear with my newly received free Mariners' calendar. It didn't turn out so cool or funny, AND it is poorly centered AND Will's fleece even makes its way into the lower left corner of the picture. This is same man that takes photos like this:

Yep, not too much effort put into that last one Will. The Angels must have been ahead.
you see, I don't go and Angels don't win...
That didn't help the two days after Mariner Monday, when the Angels swept some Mariner a$$, ha ha. June 2,3, and/or 4? You need to support your team or that's one less M fan to outnumber the Angels' fans.
Will's skills behind the camera at the game were mad brilliant! LOVE that beach picture! Seriously, I thought it was from a magazine or something! Sorry about your game!
Seriously, Will must have been drunk. That beach picture looks like it came straight out of a Viagra ad!
Carrie, Hey! It was so good to see you on my blog. You look just the same as when you and Scotty were in my living room practicing..."You are a Promise, you are a Possibility!" Your mom keeps me up on how you all are doing. Amazing! Keep in touch, okay?
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